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Profit share

Vrei sa facem profit impreuna?

Ai un loc de joaca pentru copii, terasa in aer liber sau o alta locatie frecventata de copii si vrei sa-ti optimizezi profitul fara a investi nimic? Noi facem totul, noi furnizam, instalam, intretinem si reparam echipamentele, rolul tau fiind doar de a le asigura paza.

Nimic mai simplu.

Contacteaza-ne sa stabilim o intalnire pentru a vedea spatiul si a stabili detaliile contractuale.

We come and look at your site, so we can recommend the perfect ride and do some safety checks.

We do regular maintenaince checks and are on hand if you need any repairs.

We install the ride in the location that will maximise your income.

We split the profits with you, so we both get a new stream of income.

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